Acne treatment and the reasons for its increase

Acne is a skin disease that affects hair follicles on the face, chest, and back,  It affects almost all teenagers during puberty, And although it is not caused by bacteria,However, bacteria play a role in its development.

A person can do a lot to treat acne by using products available in pharmacies or over-the-counter cosmetics. However, for difficult acne cases, a person must seek medical advice to obtain appropriate treatment options, according to the  report. : “ “.

Causes of acne
There is not a single factor that causes acne, but it occurs when the sebaceous glands (oil) that relate to hair follicles are stimulated at puberty or due to other hormonal changes.

Sebum (oil) is a natural substance that softens and protects the skin, Increased oil production is associated with a change in the way the skin cells mature. The hair follicles gradually expand, resulting in a bump on the skin, With this expansion, the skin may tear. This allows irritating substances and normal skin bacteria to enter the layers of the skin.

Some factors that usually play a role in understanding acne are:

Genetics: If one of your parents suffers from severe acne, it is possible that you are prone to acne.

Pressure: In some patients, pressure on the skin through clothing, for example, and the like, can worsen acne.

Medications: Certain medications may cause or worsen acne, such as those containing iodine, bromides, oral or injectable steroids, or steroids that bodybuilders or athletes sometimes take.

Some types of jobs: especially when a person deals with industrial products such as cutting oils to produce acne.

Cosmetics: Some cosmetics and skin care products block the pores of the skin, so it is important to read the ingredient list and choose the “aquatic” products that are usually best for people with acne.

Acne treatment at the doctor

It is best to consult a dermatologist if the person is unable to adequately control acne at home, the goal of treatment should be to prevent the appearance of scarring on the skin, here are some of the options available:


Topical antibiotics and antibacterials: especially those containing erythromycin.

Medicines containing retinoids: These medications are especially useful for closing pores, as they are anti-bacterial, and side effects may include irritation and increased sensitivity to the sun.

Oral antibiotics: Doctors can start treatment with penicillin and sulfa drugs.

Oral contraceptives: Oral contraceptives (birth control pills), which are low in estrogen, have little effect on acne in one way or another, as it has been shown that some birth control pills have little effectiveness in treating acne.

Cortisone injections: especially in cases where acne breakouts rapidly worsen, doctors inject them with a type of cortisone.

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